Project Title : CATapp
Organisation : Information Works Systems and Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Country : INDIA
Website : http://catapp.in
CATapp is a mobile application that brings 16 original CAT (Common Admission Test) papers on a mobile app. It is available on Android, iOS, Symbian, and JAVA. The current user base is more than 7,000 active users. The CATapp store allows publishers to distribute their quizzes on a mobile device. Availability of such content on a mobile make the agile youth go for the same.

mobile apps business is forecast to be $100 billion by 2015 and education has and will be an important part of this. the demand for educational apps has increased tremendously. With the launch of low-end tablets and Android devices, many schools, colleges and coaching institutes are now making their content available on mobile devices.
CATapp is a mobile application tool to prepare for competitive exams like CAT, GRE, GMAT, CMAT, XAT, SNAP. the target market is students / learners who want to prepare for competitive exams on the go using a mobile device.
Anyone preparing for mBA entrances feels the pain of carrying study material in backpacks. Books and study materials are good to learn core concepts but when it comes to revision or taking a quick test, books are not the best solutions. CAtapp has built a way for students to revise and prepare for mBA exams on the go using a mobile device. this would allow them to be in constant touch with the learning material and fully utilize their time while travelling our doing daily chores.
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Organisation : Bharti Airtel
Country : INDIA
Website : www.airtel.in/education/
Career Counseling is an IVRS and SMS-based mobile Education service for Airtel users. It uses technology-enabled platforms to address the challenging issues of education. With this service, Airtel enables its customers to access courses for English learning, competitive exampreparation and career counseling, on their mobile phones.There are lakhs of customers who are on Airtel who use the counseling service.

This SmS based m-Education service platform enables Airtel mobile customers across the country to easily access a host of education services including courses for language skills, entrance exam preparation and career counseling from the best of universities and professors in the country with just a few clicks on their mobile phones.
Career Counseling is voice based service that allows multiple users to connect with counselors on a voice call and get advice related to their job and education. the service is a subscription based service price at Rs 2 per day. Career counseling has two critical components: 1. live Counseling Sessions: Users can browse through the upcoming Career Counseling conferences by dialing 55077 (toll Free) or by dialing *321*850#. Users can register for Career Counseling sessions by paying a minimal fee of Rs 15 and can join the live session by dialing 550771 (toll Free) on the scheduled time. 2. Podcasts: Users can listen to the recorded content created by counselors. this content can be accessed without any time restriction by dialing 550779 (toll Free). Ask an Expert: With Ask an Expert service, user could get answers to their career related queries via SmS. Users can simply SmS their questions related to job, career or education to a toll free short code 5507755 and get answers written by experts in less than 24 hours.
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Project Title : Chala Skul Ku Jiba (Let us go to school)
Organisation : Radio Namaskar (Young India)
Country : INDIA
Website : www.radionamaskar.org
Chala Skul Ku Jiba (Let us go to school) is an initiative of Radio Namaskar to return all students to school. This initiative aims to mobilize all dropout students back to their respective schools. As a consequence of this initiative, 165 schools of Gope block in Konark have been declared as zero-drop-out schools by the local government.

As a community radio (CR), Radio Namaskar has taken mobile phone as the primary tool for direct access to the community and interacting online. there was a massive drop-out of school students especially girl students in its coverage area. Basing upon these observations, Radio Namaskar decided to start a radio programme to motivate and mobilize all drop-out students back to their respective schools. As per this decision, a jingle was broadcast to motivate the parents to send their children to school.
Since most of the listeners now use mobile as a tool of communication and also to listen Fm radio and realizing that they don’t prefer to ring a landline number which comes out to be expensive for mobile users, they started announcing the mobile number that is dedicated for the purpose. then response from listeners grew day by day.
The objective of this Community Radio is to ensure overcoming social problems through a community owned process and through deployment of oriented personnel and sensitizing the beneficiary mass. Radio Namaskar has a total coverage in Gop, Nimapara, Astarang and Kakatpur Blocks of Puri district and also reaches in other surrounding locations. Recently it has started a campaign m-Janata with focus on issues related to governance and service delivery system in community.
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Organisation : Sounds of Silence – Unleash the power of words
Country : INDIA
Website : www.soundsofsilence.in
Sounds of Silence (SoS) began with the idea of giving mobile phones to hearing impaired/speech-impaired children. It enables them to communicate with the outer world. This is done through the use of mobile phones, 3G Skype and SMS technology. SOS empowers 500+ such children in Mumbai and Delhi through SMS alone with a target to reach 5,000 by this year-end.

This mobile based service includes: 1.Qwerty keypad mobile phones which would make it easier for the deaf mute children to type on keyboards later on. 2. Syllabus book with the entire mobile learning syllabus. Psychologists assisted this module with a fixed messaging pattern which will lead to all round mental development of the children and help them overcome insecurity and lack of self-confidence.
Features of engagement module for optimum training and development of the kids: 1. the operations leader who handles the entire functioning of SoS and also act as liaison between the organization and partner orphanages and institutes. 2. For overall development and technological advancement of kids, there is 6 month training module through SoS empowered mobile phones and messaging service for the initial stage with each and every partner BASE CAmP:(1st month 4 sessions-3 hrs each) Grammar skills and proper sentence formation. WARm UP: (2nd months 4 sessions- 3 hrs each) Using sentence formation and grammar skills to communicate with friends, family, acquaintances. toNE UP: (3rd month 4 sessions-3 hrs each) teaching them meaning of ‘low’ frequency words and inculcating those words in their vocabulary and sentence formations, SmS conversations. E.g: rendezvous, inexplicable, magnanimous, behemoth etc. StAR tREK: (4th month 4 sessions-3 hrs each) Corporate liaison language. if the children think of starting their business at a later date then the kind of language that is used in the outside corporate world.
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Organisation : Janaki Technology Private Limited
Country : NEPAL
Website : www.sparrowsms.com/results
Provided by Janaki Technology in Nepal, Sparrow SMS is the utilisation of SMS technology that facilitates students in obtaining their results with ease, on mobile. The service doesn’t require any preinstallation or registration. It is available for mobile users of NTC, NCell, UTL and SmartTel operators in Nepal.

Sparrow SmS is a vas provider for Nepal that provides SmS gateway solution to Nepal with developer APi, SmS short code. With the use of this service, students can get the results in their phones with a simple SmS inquiry and they don’t need to worry about crashing websites or waiting times. Similarly, also for the exam boards, technology friendliness has given them an edge at handling results. Results can be obtained via any GSm network available in the country. the most benefited are the students in rural parts of Nepal who earlier had to wait for weeks to get their results.
The target markets are all the mobile user students of different board exams all over Nepal. And the main targets are the students without internet access.
Sparrow SmS has immensely decreased the hassles while waiting for printed results in newspapers or dealing with server overload in websites. to get the result the end-user has to • Go to compose message in his/her mobile • type • Send it to 5001 the reply message contains congratulatory message along with Division of graduation or marks of some subjects, as applicable for the type of results.