Initiative Name: SourceTrace ESE™ Agri
Organization: SourceTrace System India Pvt Ltd.
Website: www.sourcetrace.com
Country: India
With over 100 thousand downloads, SourceTrace application is already a pioneer in agricultural innovation for digitally intervening in a majorly Internet-less market.
Available in many languages such as English, Hindi, Tamil, French, Spanish, Swahili and Bahai; SourceTrace Solution has impacted more than 600 thousand farmers across 22 countries in 3 continents. The application enables a smallholder farmer, at the edge of connectivity and digital literacy, to operate the application through simple interface. Thus enabling them to access a vast consumer market in developing countries. It collects data from mobile devises and converts them into smart, easy and sophisticated analytics that enables a quick response to farmer’s concern and requirement and also helps to provide better market linkage and advisory services.