Public Service and Good Governance
Information | Communication | Citizen Service | Access | Public Engagement | Feedback | Grievance Redress
The advent of mobile networks and platforms has accelerated improved and effective delivery and access of critical public information, citizen services, government schemes and entitlements by the public and social welfare agencies and related organisations, including run and managed by the government/s of the day. Mobile tech based solutions and innovations have helped to build robust processes in feedback, grievance redress, two way communications and engagements between the public agencies and citizens, inclusion, transparency and accountability of services delivery and access and based on continuous innovations and improvisations.
- Mobile tech and solution initiatives by public services delivery agencies and departments, private organisations and others, that engage meaningfully and actively the citizen and public in services and entitlements related information, updates, communications, and feedback processes in localised, inclusive ways.
- Mobile-based and enabled initiatives by these agencies to solicit views, opinions, ideas, complaints, in relation to addressing issues, concerns in services delivery and access, and encourages wider public / citizen participation.