Initiative Name: Development of National Digital Library of India – Building a National Asset
Organization: National Digital Library
Website: www.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in
App Link: https://goo.gl/vLC4e4
NDL India has been conceived as a platform for change in the educational paradigms of India by Ministry of Human Resource Development), Government of India, under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT).
Developed by IIT Kharagpur, NDL India is an umbrella over existing digital repositories with Indian language user interface and interface for differently-abled users. It is a movement to reach out to people in the country with educational contents of not just books, papers or thesis but with class lectures, audio books and lectures, tutorials, assignments and solutions, simulations, animations, data sets through a single source access. It is for all learners, at all levels and for all subject areas.
NDL India facilitates collaborative learning environment through student-student, student-teacher and teacher-teacher collaboration. It is also designed to support collaborative learning environment through integration with MOOCs. It provides an infrastructure for self-paced purpose-centric learning and has pioneered national licensing of publishers’ contents that makes contents, which is normally priced, available to NDL India users for free – paving the way to democratise education in the country. NDL India app provides access through multiple Indian language user interfaces. Their plan is to make the user interface available in nine Indian languages that cover more than 90 percent of the Indian population. NDL is available as both Web app and mobile app on Android. iOS and Windows apps are to be released soon.