Initiative Name: Krishi Yellow Page
Organization: Win Miaki Ltd.
Website: www.win.miaki.co, www.miakivas.com
App Link: http://bit.ly/2wd3cwL
Reliable inputs of an assured quality are necessary for every farmer. Private input suppliers also need a pure sub-base of farmers to use their products and gain maximum benefit from. Win Miaki addresses the problem by introducing a smartphone-based tool called Krishi Yellow Page (KYP). It is a smartphone app that runs both online and offline to collect the input supplier’s and farmer’s information and make it available centrally and individually to their partners digitally. This is a customised version of regular directory service, specifically for agriculture-related stakeholders.
It is better for both the donor-funded projects as well as for private sector companies to build up a comprehensive
mechanism to interconnect input suppliers-producers-buyers, for a common benefit. Donor-funded projects can easily identify the concentration of their beneficiaries (farmer/input supplier), their behavior and can design a good solution for them. The private sector can use this mechanism to give more benefit to their user base and secure their business throughout the network. A simple yet effective networking system, KYP is a necessary tool to cater to the above problems in the cheapest way.