Initiative Name: HYDCOP
Organization: Hyderabad City Police
Website: www.hyderabadpolice.gov.in
App Link:
People-friendly and responsive policing can be achieved only when the frontline police officers are empowered with technology. With the aim of empowering frontline police officers, the entire strength of Hyderabad City Police, i.e. 15,000 members of various verticals — have been provided with role-based credentials to tie up with the application in order to render effective policing services to the public.
HYDCOP is a mobile-based application that gives access to various in-house databases on spot, facilitates input of data from crime scenes, verifies the history of suspects and submits information for inspector or in-charge’s approval. This reduces the response-time and time taken in delivering policing services to the citizens. Each and every grievance reported by the citizen is, thus, guaranteed to be resolved within the shortest possible time. HYDCOP helps the police to measure their performance, analyse and come up with more effective ways by focusing more on the key driving factors in serving the citizens of Hyderabad.
The average response time of Hyderabad City Police to any complaint or call, with this app, now has come down to five minutes. This is a game changer for Hyderabad City Police in transforming themselves into smart cops and a smart force, committed to enhancing the citizen’s safety and security in Hyderabad city at par with any global city.
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