Initiative Name: Herat Tourist
Organization: TechhNation (Individuals)
Website: NA
App Link : APK File
Herat Tourist is the first app from Afghanistan that is designed for tourists visiting Herat province. Historical places, hotels, restaurants, parks, tour guide, search places, events, stores and other best sights of Herat have been cataloged in this app for the ease of tourists.
The plan is to develop more apps, to eventually cover all of Afghanistan with the slogan “I Love Afghanistan”.
The app is available in English and Dari. Most of the users that use Herat Tourist are from Kabul.
Several tourists who have used the app believe it to be one of the most comprehensive travel apps. Amid much negative coverage that the country receives in international media due to political and terror unrest, this app aims to highlight the beautiful culture, art and natural landscape of Afghanistan to invite tourists to explore the nation.