Initiative Name: Help and Click
Organization: Team RMS v1.1
Website: www.eatlapps.com
App Link: APK File
Help and Click is a social app which will help find missing or endangered friends or family members. Through this app, one can post last known whereabouts of the person who may be missing due to a road accident, incidence of mugging, natural disaster, kidnapping or any other reason. Simultaneously, one can also post about an unidentified person who is found, with a view to reaching out to the victim’s relatives. This is a platform where users can communicate through posts, informations, images and comments to locate their missing ones in the shortest possible time.
The app has been designed to reduce life risk and increase social communication within a region. It has also been designed keeping in mind the assistance it can provide to the government and law enforcement agencies in improving social safety.
One of the key features of this app is that it allows users to enter detailed information (name, date since missing, age, gender, last known location, photograph, etc), which can be used to filter data and find the missing person. The app also provides emergency numbers of police stations, blood banks, hospitals and personal emergency contact, besides sharing geo-locations. Further, authentication of each post and user through contact numbers and National ID numbers ensures social safety without jeopardising security.