Project Name: Technology innovation for effective mother and child care in last mile community
Organisation: iKure Techsoft (P) Ltd.
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Mobile based solutions to monitor and diagnose maternity and health care
iKure Techsoft with University of Michigan and Deshpande Foundation has developed an interactive tool for maternal and child health care monitoring and routine assessment to be used by iKure community health workers in the states of West Bengal and Karnataka in India. This project utilises digital technology and survey in the catchment population of women and children in the areas served by iKure, and determine the effectiveness in community health workers (CHWs) being able to deliver surveys, doing clinical activities & capture the data digitally.
The mobile solution improves the health outcomes of pregnant women and children by empowering CHWs, facilitating real-time tracking, monitoring, and counseling and referral links with skilled providers to nearest hospitals. The mobile application identifies women at high risk of pregnancy complications in particular (anemia and preeclampsia) to ensure referral and institutional delivery, screens children between the age of 12-24 months with a validated screening tool to identify early symptoms and patterns concerning for developmental delays which can be referred to specialists for further management, record the interactions of the community health workers administering the questionnaires to test for the efficiency of conducting questionnaires digitally. It records and provides data on pregnancy related complications in a highly underserved population in rural India.
The mobile solution will contribute to lower rate of maternal morbidity and infant mortality and improve quality of life for BPO population in the long run. Spread of health care, education and awareness will lead to behavior change creating healthier children and leading to growth in the human capital base. The application examines ways in which the efficiency of the data collection and aggregation can be increased by the use of digital tools at the point of contact between the CHW and the patient. The healthcare model leveraging technology tailors both the delivery and key information with the needs of the poor, illiterate and marginalized population.

Project Name: The Vision Guard
Organisation: The Vision Guard
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Mobile app enables easy check-up and detection of vision problems
The Vision Guard android application helps to detect vision problems at an early stage much accurately, such as initial testings’ that can be done without channeling a doctor. Users can check their eyes and detect vision problem by using the application while enjoying the comfort of home during their free time. Thus, it helps users to save their time and money.
It is the only vision related application which is a highly localized for Sri Lankan community and available in Sinhala, Tamil and English.
The Vision Guard provides the capability of detecting seven vision problems: Astigmatism, Color Blindness, Depth Perception, Macular Degeneration, Contrast Sensitivity, Visual Acuity and Strabismus accurately based on standard methodologies and technologies in a user friendly manner. Also this application provides some useful additional features like: doctor finder, a facility to find the most suitable and doctors or opticians available with respect to the user’s geo-location, symptom Checker which provides a list of symptoms to be selected by the user and then the application will provide a list of eye diseases with details that the user might be suffering from. As a result this mobile application provides high user interactivity. Therefore, when compared to similar vision related application, vision guard provide facility to identify more vision problems with more accurate results. In addition, it provides eye exercises, specially designed for children with strabismus condition to exercise the squinting eye to prevent total blindness/lazy eye.
Also, it provides games for kids above age of 3 years, enabling parents in identifying their Childs’ vision problems at an early stage. Eye exercises provided in the application helps people to exercises their eyes which get tired during the day by working on computers, tablets, televisions etc.
Vision Guard has tested all the functionalities based on the ideas and recommendations suggested by doctors. At present, the application has been tested for a corpus of around 200 eye patients.