Finalists 2013 : m-Education & Learning

lean-englishProject Title : Learn English With the British Council
Organisation : zMessenger (Pvt) Ltd
Country : SRI LANKA
Website :

This SMS based product is esigned to go to masses of Sri lanka. English learning mobile service combines “language learning” with “spoken English” via mobile technology providing an effective and efficient self-learning platform especially for those who are challenged with accessibility for resources and seeking convenience. Product is designed with three levels of difficulty – namely elementary, intermediate, advanced. Each level consists of grammar, idioms, collocations and translations in customer’s preferred language. Service uses both push type and pull type messages. Push type messages send idioms, collocations, vocabulary, translations, synonyms, antonyms and learning tips while Pull type messages send multiple choice questions.

Pull type messages require subscriber to reply back thus it ensures customer’s engagement and interactivity with the service. Based on the answers given to pull messages subscriber will be evaluated periodically and will be sent a report. Sri lanka has always deemed to have high demand for English fluency and competency, and the language is given much importance at job interviews, promotions, building confidence , personality & in general socialization and acceptance in society. With such socio-economic factors, learning English language perceived to be extremely important among the public.

Other resources

Learn English With the British Council 2013.ppt

1139_Harness-Touch-on-CloudProject Title : Harness Touch-on-Cloud
Organisation : Harness Handitouch Private Limited
Country : INDIA
Website :

Touch-on-Cloud is an HTML 5 based learning operating system, which disrupts the idea behind traditional learning management systems (LMS) and enables the comprehensive use of interactive technology inside classroom as well as outside it using the Cloud. Using this technology, study-at-home comes alive with the Cloud. Using networked tablets, laptops or PCs inside the classroom, touch-on-Cloud provides new in-class pedagogy where teacher white-boarding is broadcasted automatically to all students.

The teacher can embed – images, videos, MS Office files, open courseware from the internet instantly. Students have the ability to annotate notes on top of the teacher layer. touch-on-Cloud effectively bridges the digital-physical divide. With powerful quiz, assignment, lesson management. touch-on-Cloud functions as a learning operating system capturing all learning and teaching activities. When used to full potential, touch-on-Cloud can replace notebooks, textbooks and the blackboard. Touch-on-Cloud has applicability across educational segments – K12, Higher Education and Coaching, and implementation model to suit budgets of all sub-segments. The company currently has clients in india, Middle East and Europe.

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