Category: m-Inclusion
SMS for Deaf Blind (Special Mention)
Original title: Marketing Mobile Phones to those for whom mobiles are not accessible
Producer: bapsi, Bidirectional Access promotion Society
Country: India
Media Format: Android;Cloud Computing; SMS
language: English
There are half a million children in India who are deaf and blind, and very few of them can afford the costly Braille device. The rest cannot communicate without the help of care gift. But software launched by BAPSI has given a turn-around to the differently-abled person’s life. It has enabled them to communicate easily, like any one. The introduction of unique software ‘text-to-speech screen reading’ has really meant that the gap between the sighted and the blind has shrunk dramatically.
The application is developed for Android smartphones, which are generally cheaper than iPhones. The application converts text into Morse code vibrations so that users can “feel” the message. The target market is the marginalized population of children with mental challenges, persons with multiple and severe disabilities, persons who are both deaf and blind.
Besides the innovative process design, this project is also unique in the nature of software training it provides. It is focused on cloud-computing, based on the MIT App inventor for client software and Ruby on Rails for web server programming. It is only through the use of such innovative technologies, substantially improved the learning curve, that students can, in the limited time they have during summer vacations, develop something useful.
With over a decade of experience in software development for persons with severe disabilities, BAPSI is working with mobile software platforms and the open source community to make the software available worldwide.