Initiative Name: Aponjon Shogorbha
Organization: Dnet
Website: www.dnet.org.bd
App Link: http://bit.ly/2M44AMq
Aponjon Shogorbha (Aponjon Pregnancy) is the first mobile app in Bangla, with the most comprehensive collection of information for expecting mothers. The app helps expecting mothers to receive weekly information on development and status of her health as well as of the growing foetus in her womb.
The app further provides other general health information and useful tools such as the EDD calculator, event calendar, task manager, food chart generator, pregnancy weight gain tracker, baby kick tracker, a personal journal and Aponjon doctors’ line quick access.
The app helps an expecting mother get information on the development and conditions of the expecting mother and her child. It calculates the expected date of delivery of the child and full calendar and task manager for all the tasks she needs to take care of during pregnancy. This also provides an ideal daily food chart or option to create multiple food charts and tool to calculate, evaluate and track her weight gain in different stages of pregnancy.
In other to access this plethora of information services, the user simply needs to download and install the app, and create a personal profile. Once the app is installed, the user can go online once a week to download updated content and sync information with the server.
The app is a perfect companion for any expecting mother. The app comes ready with just the right tools to stay healthy during pregnancy and ensure proper health of her to-be-born child.