Project Title : RUDI SandeshaVyavhar
Organisation : Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Cherie Blair Foundation for Women and Vodafone Foundation in India
Country : INDIA
Website :
Contact person: ReemaNanavaty

Rudi Sandesha claims to be India’s only supply chain that has developed its own bespoke MIS tool that runs on simple feature mobile phones. It is an app which enables women working with RUDI to order stock from the field. The application tailors to the specific products that are bought and sold by the RUDIbens.
It supports them in receiving important updates from the RUDI in real time and thus transfers the entire management of the RUDI from paper to electronic data. This practice also helps in the analysis of the working of RUDI. The app is now being refined to include new features, such as Vodafone’s M-Pesa service, which will enable Rudibens to pay for their stock or receive payments from their customers remotely. This will be another ‘first’ for a mobile supply chain management tool, especially in the Indian context. The application is available in Guajarati and English for its consumer base.
Organisation : Zero-Sum Wireless Solutions India Private Limited
Country : INDIA
Contact person: Mallesh B
Email :
Keeping in mind that women’s health is a critical issue in many developing countries, Zero-sum Wireless Solutions India Private Limited have developed an app Lunacycle to facilitate women. The app can be downloaded on mobile phone or tablet and acts as a fertility tracker.

Organisation : Active Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd
Country : India
Website :
Contact person: Ashish Basu
Email Address :
Safetipin is a free to download app, which works towards making our communities, and cities safer by providing safety-related information collected by users and trained auditors. The app has been developed to encourage more people to be involved in safety of women.

At the core of the app is the Safety Audit. It consists of a set of 9 parameters that together contribute to the perception of safety by and amongst women. Each audit results in a pin on the specific location where the audit was performed and also records the time and date. Different colours are used to indicate safety level for a particular place: Green for safe, Amber for less safe and red for unsafe. As of now, the app has been launched in Delhi and Bengaluru and will soon be launched in other Indian cities. At present the app is available in Hindi and English and is expected to be launch in a few other languages. The app is available on the app store and Google play for download and use. The app can be accessed on all android and IOS supported devices. The app has been rated as 3.9 and has 5,000- 10,000 downloads on Google store.