OSRT (Offsite Real Time Monitoring System) designed and developed by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), is an anywhere, anytime accountability mechanism, which provides real-time information in solid waste management, urban planning, public works and street lighting to municipal managers and the citizens. OSRT is a unique accountability mechanism because the ubiquitous, easy-to-use mobile phone has made possible the combination of accountability tools and processes.The unification is made possible by the innovative use of the largely ignored mobile phone eye (camera), leading to the generation of real-time off-site images of municipal activities valued by citizens. Now, GHMC managers are more responsive and responsible because complete and reliable information on their activities and outputs is available in the public domain at a single point. The application allows users to record events with date, time and coordinates using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Precise temporal and spatial information and generation of reliable images of municipal activities has enhanced accountability to unimagined levels.
The solution is loaded to the cell phones of GHMC officials. Uploading an image by them triggers generation of real time reports required for supervision / monitoring. OSRT is in public domain and citizens have access to all its features like any GHMC official. Citizens can send their complaints on the civic services through SMS and besides getting an acknowledgment may verify status online.
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