Nomination Categories

Nomination Award Rules & Regulations:
- There are no charges required to apply for mBillionth award Nomination process. Your project shall fulfill the conditions of being an active & no drafts, demonstrations or unfinished projects can be accepted.
- Any applicant may edit/modify the details in the Nomination form till the last date of accepting the Nomination form. However, Nomination form in any ways will be considered as final after the last date & no further modification will be allowed.
- The mBillionth award is open to any of the following in the content industry in SAARC countries.
- Governments
- Individuals/Students
- Entrepreneurs
- Industry (Private Sector Companies/Corporates)
- Academician and Academic institutions
- NGOs
- Interested entities can take part in mBillionth Awards by either applying online or contacting expert panel for the nomination process
- The fields marked mandatory in nomination forms are necessary to fill by the nominee.
- Every Nomination entry is required to submit a ‘Demo presentation‘& ‘How to use-Video‘ with the nomination entry. The Jury may not consider your application without these mandatory attachments.
- Inclusion of a video regarding your project is a must to give a clear view of your work. It is not required to be a High Definition/Professional video.
- Every Applicant is required to send the Device/instrument (in case have extra specific technical requirements to use) for the purpose of Jury, to the mBillionth office before the last date of closing the nomination. The device will be returned back to the concern during the mBillionth Award.
- The entry will not be considered if any nominee fails to submit the entire details of the nomination forms till the last date of registration.
- There is no limitation regarding the language, platforms, cost or channels the projects work with.
- One product can only be submitted for one category. In case of multiple submissions by the same organisation, company or team, each product requires a separate registration.
- -The same product cannot be submitted twice (i.e. submitted again). Also, the previous winners of mBillionth Awards shall not be considered for the same project again hence no need to apply.
- Irrespective of the product/project language, all producer and project information must be in English
- Any partially filled/not filled registration form will be rejected.
- Any false information regarding the project in the nomination form will immediately disqualify the nominee. All materials received during the judging process will remain confidential & will not be shared with any external entity without the consent of the concerned person.
- All the participants will be informed about the status of their application after the Jury process is over for mBillionth Award.
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