Etisalat Lanka partners with hSenid Mobile in launching the country’s first Mobile Application platform- not only allowing users to browse and download applications, but significantly creating the opportunity for Sri-Lankan mobile application developers to create, test & sell their own unique applications.
The Appzone Mobile Application Eco-System helps all of Etisalat’s subscribers, irrespective of phone type – smart, feature or basic phones – to enjoy mobile application pertaining to various facets of life – News, Sports, Business, Games, Health & much more. These apps can be easily discovered by subscribers via an “App Store”, again using any mobile phone – through Web/Wap, USSD, multi-lingual IVR etc hence enabling the masses to enjoy their own “App Store” experience.
Culminating the eco-system are the mobile app entrepreneurs who are provided a developer platform to seamlessly develop & market these apps that have reached out to the masses. These entrepreneurs constitute of university students, young aspiring businessmen & SMEs.
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