BBC Janala is part of English in Action, a major initiative launched to raise the language skills of 25million people in Bangladesh by 2017, funded by the UK’s Department for International Development. One of the major objectives is to overcome barriers to learning English by providing mobile phone users and owners with a cheap and convenient way of expanding/practicing their English in the privacy of their own homes or when they have spare time on the move.
Mobile phone users of Bangladesh can dial the short code 3000 to access the mobile IVR service. WAP users can access the service by visiting Web users can access the service by visiting The lessons are also available through audio CD-ROM and printed lessons in the National daily ‘Prothom Alo’ 3 days a week (Sat, Mon, Wed). BBC Janala provides daily three minute audio lessons to the people who want to improve their English language skills in order to get a better job and access to the global economy.
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