Reshan Dewapura
South Asia is today one of the world’s largest and fastest growing mobile markets. Not only is the mobile phone much more affordable than a PC, usage charges are also far less and moreover, requires no special training. It is therefore little wonder that mobile platforms are becoming the natural choice for extending essential and innovative services to the broadest section of the population. As the organization driving the e-Sri Lanka Initiative, a multi faceted development programme which leverages on ICT, our goal is to ensure that the benefits of technology reach all sections of our society. With mobile phone users in Sri Lanka numbering 13.5 mn. – 67% of its population – we see the mobile phone as an excellent platform for delivering a range of services for the masses. There are already several innovative examples from the grassroots of the mobile phone making its impact felt. A good example is the project initiated by ICTA in partnership with a rural tele centre where longitude and latitude of potential fishing sites collected through a US Navy satellite information base is disseminated to fishermen at sea via simple text messages. There other similar examples of the use of mobile platform in disseminating real time crop prices, accessing vital information on health, agriculture and livelihood.
We therefore consider the mBillionth award very timely and are proud to be associated with the Digital Empowerment Foundation as co- organizers. It was an honour for us to host the Grand Jury for selection of award winners in Sri Lanka. We have been most encouraged by the response to the mBillionth award which signifies a vibrant industry as well as growing consumer awareness on the potential of the mobile phone.
Reshan Dewapura is COO of ICTA. He can be reachat