m-Travel & Tourism

travel-n-tourism1Use of Mobile and complementing applications and embedded services for enriching the information society by aggregating digital content pertaining to travel and tourism thus help creating knowledge rich information society; offer of travel and tourism related information and services like real time travel bookings, location and transport information, including through GPS and GIS.

The Jury Process

Each Award Category will be judged by a Panel of Jury. The jury comprised of eminent personalities from the private and public sector, industries and the academia, and is selected based on their knowledge and expertise. The Jury Process Consist of: The process commences from the date of closing of nominations. The criteria set out…

Juror’s Evaluation Criteria

Content: quantify matching quality of content and services delivery, relevance of content and its utility value Interface: usability, user friendly, easy surfing features, interactive nature Technical specialty: Innovative design with unique features of applications having user appealing features Design: Design of applications and devises having larger user preference, aesthetic value with multimedia and other features…