Category: m-INCLUSION
Original title:
Platform: SMS Based
language: English, Kannada, Hindi & Tamil
Country: India
Contact: ,
DESCRIPTION: is a Bangalore-based start up that uses the web and mobile technology to connect employers and bottom-of-the-pyramid (BOP) informal sector workers (i.e. maids, cooks, drivers, etc.) with the goal of creating a scalable, replicable and profitable solution to combat poverty. Babajob aims to do this by creating greater market efficiency in the informal sector through voice and web features such as SMS, UssD, automated voice systems, and operator manned call centres, enabling employers and job seekers to find each other. A Job seeker and an employer can register on for free. Job seekers can access job post content on the internet and mobile portals and through an SMS search. They can also choose to subscribe to daily job alerts at `1 per day (under $1 for a month of alerts). Employers can also access job seeker content on the website and get an alert when a job seekers expresses interest in their post.

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