Category: m-HEALTH




Original title: Jaroka Tele-healthcare
Producer: Team Members – Jaroka Tele- Healthcare
Organisation: Jaroka Tele-Healthcare
Location: Islamabad, PAKISTAN
Platform: SMS Based
language: English


Jaroka tele-healthcare is an effort to provide healthcare to the underprivileged in the far flung areas of Pakistan. Using the service a community health worker can register a patient, report his/her symptoms, acquire diagnosis and even get trained. It is an SMSbased service and can be used in any place where mobile network is available. The project is innovative as it is built over existing infrastructure rather than building new infra Its dictionary module retrieves the updated definition through a standard medical dictionary website (NHS, UK is providing us the disease information and symptoms database) without us having to manage the disease database. It is saving us space and cost plus we are getting accurate information. Jaroka tele-healthcare system uses mobile technologies to provide a communication channel between rural health-workers and medical specialists and requires no internet access or any specialized device.

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