Organisation : TELiBrahma Convergent Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Country : INDIA
Website : http://telibrahma.com
My Baby Diary is a mobile application to help mothers on the go. Through this app, mothers could easily get substantial information about baby care – right from the pre-natal stage to toddlerhood. This application is developed by TELiBrahma and promoted by Johnson & Johnson.

Parenting a child is quite a ride per se, and especially for working mothers who constantly oscillate their roles from one extreme to the other in a quest to maintain work-life balance. this mobile application “my Baby Diary” allows mothers to set a reminder for the next due vaccination. other fun and interactive elements included taking pictures, trying out various hats and hairstyles on their babies, virtually dressing up the babies in animal costumes, etc. these photos could also be shared on Facebook in a single click.
The app included various engaging content both for the mother and the baby. For instance, the mother could track the vaccination details, read up facts about pregnancy, labour & birth, babyhood, toddlerhood, etc. She could also instantly create a scrapbook of her baby and capture the defining moments of the baby via “Happy moments” and “my Baby Calendar” features.
The app reached over 50,000 mothers in a span of 7 weeks with Bangalore recording the highest number of downloads. this mobile application has looked at an opportunity to engage with young mothers – with the growing trend of smart phone users on the increase. there were challenges in maximizing the health impact rather than just the number of women and children reached.
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Organisation : BBC Media Action
Country : INDIA
Website : http://bbcmediaaction.org
Mobile Kunji is an audiovisual job aid for community health workers to use during their visits to families. Mobile Kunji and Academy are accessible from any mobile phone handset (no special software is required) for the users in Bihar. The shortcodes and tariffs are common across six of the biggest mobile operators in India, responsible for 90% of the market.

BBC media Action has developed a multimedia service to enhance the immediate impact of CHWs’ counselling of families. Called mobile Kunji, it is designed to be used by community health workers (CHWs) during their counselling sessions with families. it consists of a printed deck of cards and an audio component that can be accessed via short codes. mobile Kunji brings together an iVR-based mobile service and a virtually indestructible deck of 40 illustrated cards on a ring. Each card has a unique mobile shortcode printed on it, which corresponds to a specific audio health message. When a health worker dials the number, they can play the health message – voiced by a character called Dr Anita, an engaging but authoritative female doctor – to the family via their mobile phone.
As part of the Ananya programme, BBC media Action is working with the Bill & melinda Gates Foundation to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and reduce infectious diseases in Bihar, india. BBC media Action has developed a training course, called mobile Academy.
Mobile Kunji and Academy have been rolled out through training programme delivered on a massive scale, in partnership with Pathfinder international. Both mobile Kunji and mobile Academy are available across Airtel, Vodafone, idea, tata, and Reliance in Bihar.
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Organisation : Dnet
Country : Bangladesh
Website : http://www.aponjon.com.bd
In Bangladesh, Aponjon is an mHealth initiative for the reduction in maternal and neonatal mortality by improving health-seeking and preventative behaviours of pregnant women, new mothers, and their families. Aponjon mobile health messages are designed to quickly and easily disseminate information to pregnant mothers.

mobile Alliance for maternal Action (mAmA) launched ‘Aponjon’, a mobile health (mHealth) service in December 2012 to deliver health education messages to pregnant women and new mothers. mAmA Bangladesh is the Bangladesh secretariat of the mobile Alliance for maternal Action (mAmA), a global alliance for improving maternal and child health. ‘Aponjon’ delivers health information, once the pregnant women register to the service. this value added service (VAS) is focused in one short code, 16227. Anyone can call this number from any mobile phone in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh still 1 woman dies every hour from pregnancy related complications, 15 infants die every hour for complication within 2 days of birth, only one in four mothers have at least 4 antenatal care visit, only one in three mothers have delivery attended by medically trained person, one in Four Women does not follow exclusive breast-feeding for first six months. interestingly, 80% of these deaths are preventable. most of these deaths are due to lack of information and knowledge. this is where Aponjon kicks in.
In collaboration with a core group of partners, Dnet, a Bangladeshi social enterprise (non-governmental organization) is responsible for implementing and coordinating mAmA Bangladesh initiative. Considering the fact that around 20% of subscribers are below poverty line, Aponjon is planning to offer this service to this group of subscribers free of charge.
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Organisation : Varshyl Mobile Pvt. Ltd.
Country : INDIA
Website : http://www.helplsapp.com
HelPls is an emergency alert system. HelPls sends an SMS to friends and family alerting them in times of trouble. HelPls contacts the emergency contact number or Police (#100) by making a call automatically through a mobile phone. This application can be downloaded on iOS, Android and Blackberry operating systems at no cost, as a social initiative.

Helpls from Varshyl mobile technologies is an app to give tool to fight back without internet connection. By just one click HelPls sends SmS to 4 of your friends or family (letting them know that you are in trouble) and also gives details about your location through GEo maps. it enables voice recording of up to 60 seconds, which will record in the background and can capture some real important moments during an adverse situation. this audio recording will be mailed to the email id entered on the application.
Social Circle a user friendly feature, allows “Helpls” app user to lend a helping hand to other “Helpls”app user in need. it sends out an Alerts Notification to other “Helpls” user in proximity (within 5km radius) for help. With single press of button, Social circle feature shares the name, mobile number and location of person seeking help as a push notification. User receiving notification can choose to view the location of the helpls user seeking help. to use this feature, you need to activate it from settings screen of the app.
App can be launched by just shaking the phone vigorously, even if phone is locked it will be unlocked and app will be launched. HelPls requires internet at an installation phase and to get help and operate the app, it doesn’t require any internet or data network connectivity.
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Organisation : Tech Mahindra & CANVASM
Country : INDIA
Website : www.fightbackmobile.com
FightBack is a mobile application that facilitates women’s safety. When the application is launched on a mobile, it starts tracking user-location via GPS and updates it to the backend server at a predefined time interval. Once a user presses the panic button, the application waits for 5 seconds and then sends an SOS SMS and an e-mail message to emergency contacts.

This solution uses mobile capability like GPS, SmS and GPRS along with email and Social media integration. Prime objective of the app is to facilitate women’s safety through a mobile app. Application tracks user’s location and update to backend server at defined time interval. No location data is published until the panic button is pressed but once the user presses the panic button.
FightBack send SoS updates to people registered with the application and inform them about alerts and also share the alert’s location. Application also helps in identifying the unsafe areas based on Alerts data. This data can be used by people to avoid unsafe zones at the same time it can also be used to improve the infrastructure of the identified places to make it safe for women.
User can register to FightBackmobile app after installation of app on the phone. User can add 5 (maximum) emergency contacts via settings on the mobile app and same can be done via the web portal (www.fightbackmobile.com). Application not only informs the emergency contacts about the panic situation but also provide user’s exact location. it also flashes the live alert page of the web portal and can also update on user’s Facebook wall, in case it’s permitted by the app user.