Organisation : Gram Vaani Community Media
Country : INDIA
Website : http://gramvaani.org
Jharkhand Mobile Vaani is a citizen radio-over-phone platform that currently gets participation from nearly all districts in Jharkhand. The platform also provides a unique communication medium to people for airing classifieds, local ads, and other revenue-generating information that is not possible via traditional media – such as newspapers and television.

mobile Vaani is a social media platform for rural india that aims to create voice/video based local media platforms via the use of mobile phones and community radio. this initiative enables even poorly literate and low-income citizens to engage with each other on topics of mutual interest and share information in a seamless manner.
This platform is a frequently visited forum by several people, in mediadark areas where newspapers and television do not cater to the local economy. This voice-based platform has seen rapid uptake in pilot geography in rural Jharkhand. this type of a social media platform links horizontally across multiple social enterprises working in rural areas to help them remain connected with their own local entrepreneurs and enables to share common problems and possible solutions and raise a joint voice against bureaucratic bottlenecks that might be hampering their entrepreneurial efforts.
Government departments are also interested in engaging with citizens by reaching out to them with announcements about different government schemes, collecting data from their staff and service provider network, and getting feedback and knowledge of grievances that people are facing.
Other resources
Project Title : Saral Rozgar
Organisation : CanvasM Technologies Limited
Country : INDIA
Website : www.saralrozgar.com
SaralRozgar is a mobile service connecting blue-collared workers to jobs of their choice. This project has more than 350,000 job seekers registered from across pan India. 20,000 job postings have been registered, till date.

VAS provider Canvasm and the JV company of tech mahindra has launched Saral Rozgar, a service that intends to connect Blue-collar workers including part time, industrial workers, daily and weekly wage earners, masons, drivers, plumbers, electricians, house help, among others, with prospective employers, through mobile and online mediums. Saral Rozgar is a one stop shop for the blue collared market’s needs. the initiative is expected to address a vital gap that exists today – creation of an organized market place for the blue-collared segment.
Saral Rozgar user calls on iVR number 1860 180 1100. Number gets connected to customer care, which creates his profile, by taking a set of information. The profile of job seekers is live and is visible to registered job providers on web. they can directly call the job seeker, or send them automated job alerts by oBD and SmS. in this way Saral Rozgar gives both job seekers and job providers a platform to get connected with each other.
The other features are • location wise mapping • End to End product available on iVR – profile creation, job search • multi-language support/Regional • Scalable platform • Solution also caters to households & domestic workers.
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Organisation : Be Safe Soft
Country : INDIA
Website : www.peacockbrowser.com
The Peacock Browser is a communication app developed by BeSafe- Soft. This Android app is free and ad-supported. Peacock Browser for Android supports the Indian languages: Hindi (Devanagari), Assamese, Bengali, Kannada, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi (Devanagari), Nepali (Devanagari), Oriya, Punjabi (Gurmukhi), Tamil, and Telugu.

Peacock Browser for Android is the browser supporting for indian languages. This browser also provides one click access to websites in those languages from home page. Android oS doesn’t have native support for all indian and Nepali languages. indian languages support on any Android based manufacturer phone is fragmented at best. Peacock Browser enables Android user access content and services in their native language. the technology in Peacock Browser is being used in many applications which are in progress which would further make non-English literates to be at ease with smartphones.
Installation Guide
Via Google Play: Click the “install” button on the left navigation side, it will turn to Google Play page and then download it to your mobile device, install the app directly.
Use QR Code Scanner: if you’ve already installed QR Code Scanner, Click on QR Code image on left navigation side and use a QR code scanner to download Peacock Browser APK directly in to your Android device.
From PC: Connect Android device to PC via USB cable and turn oN USB storage. Copy Peacock Browser.apk file to attached device’s storage. touch the APK file in the file explorer to install it.
Other resources
Project Title : LaborVoices (Special Mention)
Organisation : LaborVoices
Country : INDIA
Website : http://laborvoices.com
LaborVoices is a mobile-phone based portal turning worker feedback into labor-market intelligence. This crowdsourced supply-chain intelligence solves two big problems facing global workers and corporate brands with a single, appropriate solution. The service makes it easy for factory employees to anonymously report on working conditions.

base— intelligence source—supply chain workers. it then sells supply chain intelligence to major consumer brands, priced to complement—then supplant—inspection- based monitoring. this solution helps companies to tighten their supply chains and protect capital, helping best-in-class supplier factories to lower turnover and stand out through fair metrics, and helping supply chain workers to fact-check future jobs and maintain a steady income.
Founder, Dr. Kohl Gill, was inspired to create laborVoices while on a trade and labor delegation to Sri lanka and Bangladesh as part of the State Department’s labor Rights and CSR office.
“I noticed that most workers had mobile phones, but none of them were using them to avoid abusive labor practices,” says Gill. “i thought that there ought to be a way to connect workers with each other, to allow them to report their working conditions, and drive other workers toward the best employers.” Improved access to labor market information helps the workers’ quality of life. Brands pay suppliers a premium to implement their codes of conduct.